Stakes, Spoils, and Post-Match Punishment

No submissions or quits allowed

MudFighterMel (0)

30/05/2023 12:46

Always good to agree beforehand to wrestle/fight with no submission or quits allowed i.e wrestle/fight to a total finish with one or both so exhausted they can barely move - then see who has the stamina left to get up and command victory or even just roll over on top and claim his reward by humiliating him as you describe above


Trampleguy (0)

10/05/2023 15:07

This is a match I would like be involved in you and the person you are going to have a match with agree to no quits no submission you wrestle fight whatever you or your opponent are so exhausted that you can no longer continue and they can be pinned just by you doing a victory pose with you foot on there face and then after the match the winner gets to use the loser a slave of his choose as long as its with in the agreement of what's allowed



29/05/2023 19:18

(In risposta a questo)

Agree,,Nothing like a non stop belly boxing fight, no stopping till one opponent is punched till he cant fight back,,or wont fight back, winner finishes him off, belly or pec punches only, pins the loser, winner pulls his gloves, works the loser per agreed on stakes. Loser ends up with the winner posing on him, usually grinding his manhood in his face, humiliated and dominated. Total, uncontested defeat. With wrestling being the flavor of the week most times, a wrestling submission would be a result of being bettered by a rival,, but same methods of domination by the winner applies I would think.

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