Stakes, Spoils, and Post-Match Punishment

What should the agreement be.

MaxLuther (0)

26/12/2017 9:27

As Veroman says except that a hogtie gives the victor more access to the loser's defeated body and therefore adds to the humiliation. I know as I've been there!


Kevin42 (15)

24/12/2017 22:44

Gonna be wrestling a body builder soon. Sub match, winner get to punish loser. So, ideas as to what punishment should be for loser.


Veroman (0)

25/12/2017 14:31

(In risposta a questo)

Bound hands crossed behind back, legs crossed also. Bound securely like that prevents the defeated from being able to protect his erogenous zones and makes spankings and molestation delicious.
For the conquered the feeling of helplessness is overwhelming.
Limits respected of course.


Kevin42 (15)

25/12/2017 14:40

(In risposta a questo)

Thanks for the input.

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