Wrestling Videos on the Net

Favorite New BG East Guys

SurfnRasl (0)

09/07/2023 20:17

Love Ace Aarons. Brutal in the ring and a sweater. Haven’t seen him do much lately.


commandertc (76)

09/07/2023 5:42

Bg east has turned into Twink on Twink, like to see some.old.school heel jobber beat downs not just the same predictable match outcomes


Waldomatl (17)

09/07/2023 20:29

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They recently had a video with Marc Giacomo who is certainly not a twink


The Face (11)

09/07/2023 20:08

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commdertc, agree with you.


matttmann (0)

04/07/2023 16:58

How about this Rosano twins? Super sweet pit hair on both, and they wrestled each other. I’ve a twin brother too, so I find it especially hot!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

04/07/2023 18:22

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Oh the two dancers. So you liked their match I see. I was leaving and saw them.


Prostud mi (31)

06/07/2023 3:54

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you were 3 years old when that match was taped.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

06/07/2023 4:46

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Ooops, lol. Thought he was talking about somebody else lol.


Prostud mi (31)

11/05/2023 19:15

Definitely Forrest Taylor , Lobo Gris, Chase Addams (but he's pre 2020), I also liked Charlie Evans anyone know what happened to him? I know he did some stuff for MDW, Muscle Domination Wrestling he was such a cute little twink.
I do like what BGE has done by releasing 1 or 2 matches per DVD at a lower cost, it was getting too much to pay $49 just to get one match you really wanted.


Houstonpro (32)

04/05/2023 17:14

As of 2020, slim pickings but maybe Leon Lange. Hate to say it but the older roster of BGE wrestlers was more impressive in the day. But now there is more competition for BGE with all the other wrestling sites, so I can understand why.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

04/05/2023 17:29

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That's fair, there is others out there. So let me ask you this, do you think it has to do with attraction? I've had someone say there's not many attractive guys in BG East right now. Do you also have that mindset?


Prostud mi (31)

05/07/2023 22:04

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Yes BGE talent roster has been watered down due to their competition, a lot of the new stuff still has the same old settings from 20-30 years ago, the gear choice often doesn't compliment the wrestler it's more vanilla, I go back prior to when they even had VHS , they offered photo stories in B&W. but the late 80's early 90's were the best , when they were BG Enterprise and offered musleboy wrestling , The Arena series, private bouts & Brat Pack series was the best, those guys were younger smaller and really went at it rough and tumble pro style, in a basement room on thick mats, it was much more realistic than what they have now,and they worked up a real sweat, if you don't work up a sweat your not working. a lot of their wrestlers were in shape but not body builders, not until they split off from BG and moved to Boston, but right now they could really use a technology update, all these new companies offer digital videos, download to own, you can pay per match, DVD's are getting obsolete, especially with the younger people. for example on their new catalog there is a match I want but not the other two so i'm not paying $49 for a DVD just to get one match, I used to but with all the other companies out their offering single matches, there is no need.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

06/07/2023 4:48

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Very plausible and understandable. You sound like a true fan too.


Prostud mi (31)

08/07/2023 20:35

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I am I have a couple thousand videos.


Houstonpro (32)

04/05/2023 17:43

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Yes, plus the action is so much more scripted and fake. Check out old bouts with Brian Baxter, Cliff Conlin, Dick Rick [aka Eli Drake], Nick Archer, Dante Rosetti - great bods, good action and holds.

Royce Perry, Diego Diaz, Gunner Baer show promise but they are outside of your 2020 range.


Prostud mi (31)

05/07/2023 22:09

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Your right the old BG Enterprise had the muscleboy series, musclestud, The Arena series and the best was the Bratpack series, who were just regular guys going at it, (not scripted) yeah they played along with each other but they really worked it .
I also enjoyed Cliff Conlin, Chris Wayne, The Wildboy, Buddy Justice, TNT Horrigan, Pete De Paulo, Dity Doten.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

04/05/2023 17:49

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And what type of matches do you like to watch? Like do you like the squash matches, the back and forths, all of it?

Well I picked the 2020 range in cause somebody wanted to add me to the list as well as the other new guys.


Houstonpro (32)

08/05/2023 16:44

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Not really into all out squash bouts.. but thats just me. Back and forth with one stud eventually capitalizing towards the end does it for me...especially if they are equally matched.

From your listed opponents, Evan Sterling are a hot match.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

08/05/2023 17:10

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I have a BG East match coming out with him soon.


Houstonpro (32)

08/05/2023 21:40

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hope he's wearing the killer singlet from his profile pic!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

30/04/2023 16:39

What do you guys think of Jason Aleqsander?


colorado35 (16)

01/05/2023 12:14

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Jason is hot. Hoping to see more of him


oahurookie (1)

30/04/2023 8:58

Marc Giacomo is one I like. Nice and thick.


wrestle me now (19)

14/07/2023 5:15

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I agree completely marc is hot!!


Waldomatl (17)

09/05/2023 13:52

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Agree. BG has gotten slightly better about this lately but I’d like to see body types other than twink/muscle twink haha


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

09/05/2023 15:59

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I agree, I think variety of body types as well as cultures and styles are very important.


matttmann (0)

30/04/2023 2:13

Rosano twins. Great pit hair!


ursolutador (12)

18/04/2023 17:27

Mitch Colby


fighter3 (0)

16/04/2023 22:04

Jarrett Cole


NJWoodbridge (143)

16/04/2023 14:50

Well, I can think of at least one new favorite. You!!!


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

16/04/2023 15:05

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Lol, well you can't say that unless you've seen my match. All the other new guys have more stuff out.


TakeThePunchesAI (13)

15/04/2023 22:40

Definitely was a lot that chimed in on the favorite BG East Series. It's nice to see everyone interacting and just reminiscing, agreeing, etc. Now I know a lot was mentioned of the older BG East and the wrestlers of that time. Now, who are some of you guys favorite new BG East guys? New as in 2020 up to now, who are your favorite BG East guys to watch?


bigchicago (68)

09/07/2023 20:35

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I think all the different companies have their unique take on erotic wrestling matches. With bge, I think they’ve had plenty of hot guys past and present. Plenty I don’t like too, but we each have our taste.

I’m just so tired of the same twink/twunk/bodybuilder body type in EVERY video from every company. I know there’s plenty of interest in other body types, lots of it. I know from personal experience but you can also see it online. I don’t understand why they don’t embrace that. Even if they just made a few videos with most still being that traditional body type, I’m sure it would be successful.

Interesting anecdote. I once had the owner of one of those sites (not bge) message me to tell me how hot I was and how much he wants to wrestle me. This shocked me because I assumed he had a type given the videos he consistently made. So I asked. He told me there’s not enough interest and it wouldn’t be worth it. The idiocy of that reply given his message was pretty crazy.


NJWoodbridge (143)

09/07/2023 22:44

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The marketplace has changed rather dramatically for producers such that (a) I am surprised that there are still so many around; (b) Not surprised that most matches made by all the companies appear to be very similar Muscle v. Twunk or Twink with various degrees of GP/Ball Bash and other dirty tactics. Why? First. The rise of streaming platforms (pornhub, gayforit, etc. where individuals can post any match or video from their own collection has diminished the value of producers' inventory and greatly reduced the potential for new productions.

Second, the productions that are made follow sure-fire indicators of success - which means uniqueness and variety just does not pay. I am mindful that most of the producers of wrestling matches like BGEast, UCW, are men who have "real" careers and that producing wrestling matches for distribution was more of an extra thing to pursue so long as it did not cost money after the initial investment in equipment.

Thus you see the variety of producers plummet. Example, Movimus and W-and-L produced some of the best submission battles (mostly real) but how can they not lose money when the internet is filled with matches that we are watching for free. That undoubtedly explains their lack or production recently, and the apparent inactivity of Cameron Matthews and UCW's foray into the strict submission market.

It all is further complicated by the great success the performers may get on their own via IG, TikTok, JFF, OF, WF, etc. At first, the self-produced battles were of such poor quality that you wondered why they bothered. But over the past 2 years the quality has risen dramatically as the self-producers learned the trade, made better investments (multiple cameras), and hired cameramen and women and gained better lighting, angles, and editing in the process. Yet, these self-producers are facing the same problem the more traditonal producers face: dminishment of value by the available of their product for free on the streaming sites, especially novid.

Moreover, my sense is that the self-producers who are only doing wrestling matches still must have "real" jobs to survive. To become self-sufficient I suspect their filming will have to go beyond the wrestling world and into the world of "influencers."


bigchicago (68)

14/07/2023 0:23

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The content of my criticism existed long before this current era of self-made erotic content.


Prostud mi (31)

10/07/2023 19:20

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Cameron matthews has been busy with producing videos as I'm sure you already know, even filming some with himself some of my favs are Cam v Zack Reno, Cam v Scrappy Cam v Alex Oliver and Cam v Johnny Firestorm, Cam has a brand new video out now with him versus Tristan Baldwin, that is a must to get.


NJWoodbridge (143)

10/07/2023 20:17

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Yes, indeed. Looking forward to seeing Cameron take on his old nemisis, Aryx "call me Tristan Baldwin" Quin. Cameron never stopped making the types of matches he is famous for; his foray into strict submission matches of a few years ago (after Movimus stopped producing new matches) was less successful, I am sad to say. And man, does Cameron work his butt off and yet he still has the youthful look and charm.


JBProRasl (0)

22/05/2023 15:36

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Ace Aarons and Kirk Donahue.


Prostud mi (31)

10/05/2023 23:23

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Definitely Forrest Taylor , Lobo Gris, Chase Addams (but he's pre 2020), I also liked Charlie Evans anyone know what happened to him? I know he did some stuff for MDW, Muscle Domination Wrestling he was such a cute little twink.
I do like what BGE has done by releasing 1 or 2 matches per DVD at a lower cost, it was getting too much to pay $49 just to get one match you really wanted.


ukscisors (21)

16/04/2023 16:01

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Jesse Zane

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