Wrestling Videos on the Net

How many of your fights looks?like that?

JiminQueens2 (39)

21/09/2023 2:20

None at the beginning, quite a few at the end.


Stagony (9)

20/09/2023 14:59

(In risposta a questo)

I wouldn't say any of my fights looked exactly like that, but I've done a lot of stuff that they did here in some of my fights. A hot match for sure, but so often in these videos the smaller guy ends up dominating and that completely kills my boner (since I'm into the opposite scenario). 😅


Armbar (3)

20/09/2023 8:11

(In risposta a questo)

I love watching Jesse Zane, especially with his signature spladle hold at the end of his fights. SOOOOOO HORNY 😜😜

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