
Membro dal 12.5 anni
Età 58
Altezza 188 cm
Peso 113 kg
Genere Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta brief, jock, nude
Ultimo Login ieri
Ultimo aggiornamento 26/02/2025
  1. Stati Uniti d'America - New York, City of Rochester

Sono disposto a viaggiare 75 miglia

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Friendly and discreet big guy looking to compete with other big guys, 215+. Usually not compelled to wrestle small guys, sorry. Just not my thing and I never intend to come across as rude. We all have our preferences. That said, real matches have been hard to come by. So if you are interested and over 200 lbs and in my area even for a day.....reach out. But read carefully from here, I mean every word. 30-64 age range preferred but again don't let that stop you from reaching out if you think we're a match in MOST ALL ways but a little outside the range. Honestly, I don't meet many smaller or older guys that can hang with me. I want your time to matter too. Hit me up if in Upstate NY on business. Can't host, no nights or weekends, happy to split hotel cost. Those are my limits and I rarely am able to make exceptions. Sane but tough, real matches preferred. If the word "primal" is in your profile or just gets you going, we should wrestle. If you want to get me interested, challenge me. Nothing moves my needle more than that. Now also looking to try oil wrestling. Maybe that would even out a weight disadvantage and create more opportunities. I don't get enough opportunities. Vaxxed/boosted, safe, discrete - no nonsense tolerated. Be real and forthcoming in communication. I owe and promise you the same. I consider myself the Champion in my area. If you come to my area and reach out, you are challenging me for that claim. Alpha struggles are hot. Not into little guys that want to body worship, submissives, anything pro/fake. Yuck. If you want to meet, we have to chat online AND/OR by phone first. Not usually online for small talk. Get to the point and have a shared interest. I want to discuss or plan matches if I'm online. One more note. DO NOT TEXT ME WITHOUT NOTICE. If I leave the site, it will be due to unexpected texts from well meaning contacts. Lastly, huge catfight fan here! Feel free to chat with me about F vs F interest.




Submission Submission

Struttura del match: Solo match, Dare e ricevere, Praticare tecniche, Tag team / match di gruppo, Chat online, Amo il cyber wrestling, Competizione (tornei)

Stili di wrestling specifici: Wrestling con pugni, Promission, Andare agli incontri, Wrestling nell'olio/fango

Interessi vari: Scommesse

Feticismi: Masturbazione, Wrestling nudi, Pugni all'addome, Combattimento con il pene, Sedere sulla faccia

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