Celtic Tiger


Membro dal 2.1 anni
Età 52
Altezza 170 cm
Peso 104 kg
Genere Maschio
Cercando Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta gloves, trunks, shorts, headgear, no headgear, boxing shoes, boxing boots, briefs, square cut
Lingue parlate Inglese
Ultimo Login ieri
Ultimo aggiornamento 17/02/2025
  1. Stati Uniti d'America - New York, City of White Plains

Sono disposto a viaggiare 30 chilometri
Sono disposto a ospitare. (Bed and Breakfast)

Avversari passati


Canadian-American of Irish-Scottish & Norwegian descent. Have been into boxing gear, boxing and boxer photography since a kid. Long time Agonophiliac. I am looking to meet up with relative weight class for controlled intensity sparring. Open to doing punch for punch and receiving both head and body in return. Like to chat about the ideal tussle beforehand. Have trained on and off but it has been a few years, been in the gym setting, the ring and on both sides of the KO but no ego about the sport here. Lots of private bouts.

I appreciate challenges but if your not visiting NYC anytime soon and live over 50 miles away, odds are I won't reply.

Not into CAM BOXING or just GUT PUNCHING or GEAR PLAY Sorry. Not on here for sex

Thanks and Gloves Up Lads!



Boxe Boxe

Struttura del match: Solo match, Dare e ricevere, Praticare tecniche, Non interessato al cyber, Cerco un allenatore

Combattimento in piedi: Interessato solo alla lotta in piedi

Interessi vari: Amicizia, Scambio di foto, Sono jobber

Feticismi: Abbigliamento da boxe, Gioco di capezzoli

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