- Regno Unito, Manchester, England
Place of residence
Sono disposto a ospitare. (Bed and Breakfast)
Kickboxing / Muay thai
Struttura del match: Tag team / match di gruppo, Due contro uno, match all'aperto
Stili di wrestling specifici: Wrestling con pugni, Andare agli incontri
Combattimento in piedi: Scazzottata
Interessi vari: Amicizia
Feticismi: Pugni all'addome, Feticista dei piedi, Sedere sulla faccia, Adorazione dei muscoli
Here to be beaten by alpha men. Full force punches, bare knuckles, hard slaps, backhanders, like to submit my body and be used as a punchbag/ for practicing. Happy for you to practice punches on me, beat me when you're stressed out, pretty much no limits. Doesn't have to be sexual so don't mind if you are straight. Happy to take it off a few guys at once too.
Love to worship too, especially feet, pits, ass. Also into humiliation.
Happy to give you a massage after you’ve finished beating me too aha