Jaxon Valiant


Membro dal 3.9 anni
Età 28
Altezza 180 cm
Peso 82 kg
Genere Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta Briefs, singlets, trunks
Ultimo Login oggi
Ultimo aggiornamento 23/03/2024
  1. Stati Uniti d'America - California, San Francisco County
    Place of residence
  2. Stati Uniti d'America - Oregon, Portland
    (Io sarò qui dal 04/03/2025 al 05/03/2025)
  3. Stati Uniti d'America - Oregon, Salem
    (Io sarò qui dal 05/03/2025 al 06/03/2025)

Sono disposto a ospitare. (Bed and Breakfast)

Avversari passati


aka Jaxon Valiant on other platforms (I will change my name on here eventually lol)

Getting down to it I love pro/erotic wrestling for the most part. Love being a heel and love humiliating and degrading jobber boys even more. Mostly into squash matches, but is from to see a jobber fight back here and there. Guess it just depends on chemistry and the other person's interests.

Favorite holds are probably sleepers, headscissors, otk backbreakers, and camel clutches. Really hot to see a guy struggle in a sleeper hold and they eventually get "knocked out" and I have my way with them. Put them in various humiliating pins, strip them down slowly, among other things. ;)

Masculine guy here into other masc guys. Can host sometimes but open to traveling if it's close enough. Feel free to message me and we can set a session up!

Check out my newest video with Kevin HK Lee: https://view.wf/v/obecnypb

@jaxon_valiant on Instagram 😁



Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling

Struttura del match: Dare e ricevere, Squash match, Giocare alla lotta, Due contro uno, Non interessato al cyber

Interessi vari: Massaggio, Sono heel

Feticismi: Masturbazione, Gioco di capezzoli, Torture al pene e ai testicoli, Feticista dei piedi, Sedere sulla faccia, Adorazione dei muscoli

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