

Membro dal 1.8 anni
Età 20
Altezza 181 cm
Peso 86 kg
Genere Maschio
Orientamento Gay
Cercando Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta Shorts, Boxer-briefs, Gloves, Pants
Lingue parlate Danese, Inglese, Tedesco
Ultimo Login oggi
Ultimo aggiornamento 19/05/2024
  1. Danimarca, Hedensted Kommune, Region Midtjylland
    Place of residence


Boxe Boxe
Guardo solo Guardo solo

Struttura del match: Solo match, Dare e ricevere

Stili di wrestling specifici: Wrestling con pugni

Combattimento in piedi: Interessato solo alla lotta in piedi

Interessi vari: Sono heel, Sono jobber

Feticismi: Niente sesso, Abbigliamento da boxe, Pugni all'addome, Adorazione dei muscoli

Follower di Mikey-28



I am a humble 20y/o guy, I am primarily looking for Gut-punching... in some cases Boxing too...

My interest for GP actually started when I was around the age of 14-15ish, at the said time I had a best friend whom I would often spend my evenings with outside.
One day I asked my friend if would want to hang out by the schoolyard, to which he agreed.
When we met at the schoolyard, we hung out for a bit, then later on... I was leaning against the brickwall behind us, as I stood there my friend suddenly asks if he punch my "gut"... at first I was hesitant... but then I said - yeah man!, go ahead! -
It would continue like that for all the times we met and hung out...

I like/love to chat about gut-punching and... boxing too

Since my last encounter with my former best friend, I've developped some social anxiety, which I am currently struggling with... That said, I will meet up with people at some point, just have to figure this out first...

Even though I have anxiety and all, feel free to hit me up if ya wanna chat 😉


If you want... You can also contact me through Telegram: Mikey_2804


Ti piace il wrestling virtuale? Prova il nostro sito gemello, ChatFighters.com!
Mikey-28 non ha avversari cyber.