
Membro dal 2.6 anni
Età 36
Altezza 172 cm
Peso 67 kg
Genere Maschio
Lingue parlate Giapponese, Inglese, Thailandese
Ultimo Login oggi
Ultimo aggiornamento 28/08/2022
  1. Thailandia, เมืองพัทยา, จังหวัดชลบุรี
  2. Giappone, 新宿区
    (Io sarò qui dal 16/04/2025 al 20/04/2025)
    Travel (Shinjuku)

Avversari passati


Finding friends via friendly fun fight, or just a little rough fight as long as it it safe and sane. No serious punching or MMA or injuries. I'm not into a competitive fight. I just want to have fun ! We have to discuss what to do and not to do before a match for safety. I have less experience in wrestling anyway, and it would be nice if someone can coach me through a fun match. Erotic is only when the chemistry is good.



Olimpica / greco-romana Olimpica / greco-romana
Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling

Struttura del match: Solo match, Dare e ricevere, Giocare alla lotta, Compagno di allenamento, Cerco un allenatore

Feticismi: Abbigliamento da Wrestling

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