
Membro dal 2.3 anni
Età 38
Altezza 184 cm
Peso 87 kg
Genere Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta MMA gear, Kickboxing pants, Gi, Muay Thai shorts, tactical pants
Lingue parlate Inglese, Russo, Thailandese
Ultimo Login 3 giorni fa
Ultimo aggiornamento 06/10/2024
  1. Thailandia, แขวงพระโขนงใต้
    Place of residence

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Sito web

Searching for guys who loves ballbusting as a bustees and ready to film for my videos (of course in masks) while I'm kicking them in the balls.

My ballbusting and CBT project. Real meetings reports, interviews with real alpha busters and bustees (I have tons of experience with people from all over the world), audio plays, rear videos, fiction stories and science over dirty fights, ballbusting etc..

Hello to everyone! I’m a tall, sporty guy who loves to do martial arts like kickboxing, muay thai and such things. Love sparrings. Ok about boxing style, stand up fighting with kicks or MMA with sweeps and grappling - I’m in. Don’t have big experience in grappling, but I like it. From light to really rough. No rules fighting is also good. My special interest is ballbusting (CBT). So if you are sadistic but like competitive opponents or you want to be kicked, punched, stomped in the balls or whatever I’m in. Friendly fighting or alpha, trash talk dirty mess - I’m in.
Don’t have a place and access to mats.
Prefer opponents my shape or sporty, muscular and fit. But it can be discussed.




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Kickboxing / Muay thai Kickboxing / Muay thai
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