
Membro dal 15.7 anni
Età 71
Altezza 178 cm
Peso 70 kg
Genere Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta Pro gear, Speedos, Singlets
Lingue parlate Inglese
Ultimo Login ieri
Ultimo aggiornamento 19/10/2021
  1. Canada - Ontario, Oshawa

Avversari passati


Looking for wrestling/boxing matches with in shape guys around my own size. I have worked out with guys much heavier than myself. I am a brown belt Japanese jiu-jitsu martial artist and wrestler. Into all forms of wrestling from play wrestling, submission, promission, pro, give and take, jobber vs heel, to tests of strength and trying various wrestling holds. All limits respected. I always wrestle/spar at the other person's experience level. I work out every day to increase muscle tone, strength and flexibility. Oshawa is on the east side of Toronto. I have 9’ x 12’ mats




Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling
Boxe Boxe

Struttura del match: Solo match, Dare e ricevere, Giocare alla lotta, Praticare tecniche, Compagno di allenamento

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