

Membro dal 15.8 anni
Età 62
Altezza 178 cm
Peso 79 kg
Genere Maschio
Orientamento Gay
Abbigliamento da lotta singelts/trunks /boots
Lingue parlate Francese, Inglese
Ultimo Login oggi
Ultimo aggiornamento 01/01/2020
  1. Regno Unito, North Kesteven

Sono disposto a viaggiare 100 miglia

Avversari passati


Experienced heel.
Into pro style holds and gear ( trunks /leotards and boots - but not essential if other guy isn't - Have spare gear too including pro boots ) and love to heel a lighter guy using genuine semi competitive subs and pins. Will take on fit /in shape heavier guys within a reasonably similar weight.I work up a sweat , but i wrestle for fun , and am not into competitive pure submission wrestling.
Match enjoyment is more important to me than who wins . who cares if it's a boring meet ?

Contact me ref your fav type of match.
Am genuine
in shape

Chat is great - but NO TIME WASTERS ref meets please.Had enough in 2019 -

Have a heavier tag partner , and match against a jobber tag team is on for spring 2020.




Submission Submission
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling
Guardo solo Guardo solo

Struttura del match: Solo match, Dare e ricevere, Squash match, Giocare alla lotta, Tag team / match di gruppo

Stili di wrestling specifici: Wrestling in Piscina

Interessi vari: Ho a disposizione delle materassine, Amicizia, Relazione, Sono heel, Sono jobber

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