Boxer_Daddy's blog

BOXER'S RANT III: The Aged Warrior

Okay, it's official, I'm a blogger. I had only hoped to respond to msgs from my earlier posts left by interested parties but it seems I've developed something of a fan base. And they've asked to me to speak on other topics. I'm already a writer so I suppose this is just part of my nature. I just didn't want to be one of those guys that was seen as simply bitching about stuff. I'm truly only looking to make guys aware of the inconsistencies and lies of other individuals so they will be better prepared to deal with them.

Okay so this one is for all fighters. How many times have you been perusing through profiles and see a guy you'd like to fight? You check out his profile and see commonalities including fight genre. Next you contact him and low and behold he responds. The two of you setup a meeting time & place. Eventually comes the time to meet in person. NOTE: Eight out of ten meetings from online sites never happen. You wait for the guy in a shop, a gym or some other public local. Around the appointed meeting time an older gentleman approaches you. Briefly you say to yourself, "Who is this old guy?" Until the facial recognition software in your brain kicks in and you realize this IS the guy you were supposed to meet. Problem is he's like 15 to 20 years older than any picture you've ever seen. WTF?!?! Unless you're rude, a prick or just plain mean and leave right there you decide to converse with the guy only to confirm your suspicions. Guys, THIS IS WRONG! Putting up pics of yourself from your hey-day when you currently look nothing like this IS WRONG! It is the same as LYING! NOT TELLING your intended interest is a LIE of Omission and a LIE of Omission is still a LIE! Worse still is when the pictures are of a well built or conditioned guy that looks like he can give you a decent run for your money and would be fun to punch, roll, grapple or whatever. For those that came out late in life, I'm truly sorry it took this long, but you've made it. You took that final step to be comfortable in yourself, who you are and your sport. Now it's time to be honest with others. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of older fighters out there, thus I understand why you pretend to visually be your younger self. But this is not an excuse to mislead others. You'd be surprised at how many guys like to fight older dudes. I know of a few young boxers that will only fight "Daddy" types or "Daddy" looking boxers. In spite of my age, it's a category I do not fall in, . To each his own I say, many of us have preferences. Again take pride in your age, you've come this far in life and have a considerable amount of experience and abilities that others can only benefit from. I'm often asked to spar with kids three times younger than me to help them improve. My skill level allows me to fight a multitude of guys with varying skill levels, thus I'm in demand. You'll be in demand to once guys realize how much you have to offer.

Ultima modifica su 16/10/2012 3:12 da Boxer Daddy



Guysmiley (41 )

16/10/2012 16:07

Thanks for this input, TB. Have had this happen after flying an hour, then driving 3 hours, though not out of my way for where I was going, to arrive around the prescribed time. Long after dark, in the middle of nowhere, at a private home. I pull into the drive and call the phone number I have to make sure I'm at the right place. "I'll come out to meet you," a voice I recognize after speaking to him a couple of times. What I had been expecting as a strapping 30 yo turns out to be a grizzled old man and I can say that because I was 60yo and he far outshone me in the age and looks category. I didn't even get out of the car, but simply stated that he hadn't been truthful and I had no interest. He invited me inside at least for a cup of coffee, but you know, midnight in the middle of nowhere, if he lied about one thing, what else was he lying about. For all I knew, he had some compadres inside just waiting for me. I backed out and headed onto my eventual destination.

All that to say .. yes, be honest. If you read my recommendations, you will find I am what I say and more. But that doesn't mean young strong blokes will find me interesting. I have thick skin and get over that sort of stuff quick. Doesn't mean I won't keep seeking them out. I get it. But TB, you're also right in that we have a lot to offer from the standpoint of experience to share. But that still doesn't mean the younger generation will be interested in hearing about it.

Yes, we all have preferences, but at least be honest about it. Guy


Boxer Daddy (47)

18/10/2012 1:09

(In risposta a questo)

WOW Guy, I'm truly sorry to hear about that incident. However I'm glad that you did not go inside. Thus you are here to share your experience with the rest of us, yet it gives validation to my RANT. I see that you have boxing in your profile and I would love to go a few rounds with you one day. Regardless of my current skill level I'm certain you could teach me a thing or two. My trainer is 16 years older than me and nearly half my size, yet he still kicks my butt in the ring. It should almost be a crime for a man that small to be that fast and have the ability to beat up on men so much bigger than him. If he wasn't happily married with kids I'd almost think he was gay since he likes hitting on me and my cruiserweight sparring partner so much, LOL!

Give the younger generation some time, they'll come around. All of the great champions of the world were trained by aging veterans. If they don't it will be there loss.

FYI, Gleason's Boxing Gym and Ringside have Master's tournaments and bouts throughout the year. During the night of my first master's bout about five years ago, I watched two welterweight boxers 69 and 71 go at it. They gave me the inspiration to continue training and fighting hard to this day and beyond. Also check out I'm sure if you contact Manny Fernandez he'd love to do a special on your for his online magazine.
