3366 annotazioni del blog
- 29/11/2014
- Der Ringer Film FOXCATCHER kommt am 05.
Postato da wrestlingspeedosAm 5.Februar 2015 kommt "Foxcatcher" in die Deutschen Kinos, der Film basiert auf eine Wahre Geschichte und handelt sich um das Ringer Brüderpaar Mark - 25/11/2014
- 23/11/2014
- Remembering the Past
Postato da RhodyRayboToday I went to "open mats" at riwrestlebuddy's house, which I try to attend as often as I can. - 23/11/2014
- Checkin In
Postato da synxiecIt's been a while since I've posted. All the normal reasons: work, life, blah blah blah. - 21/11/2014
- 16/11/2014
- Pro Wrestling Video Channel
Postato da slickHi, for those of you who enjoy Pro Wrestling I would like to invite you to take a look at and subscribe to my Pro Wrestling Channel on Youtube. - 11/11/2014
- Real fighters
Postato da hephaestion2014Its that time of year in November when we remember all those who have fought in wars over the year. - 23/10/2014
- 16/10/2014
- 11/10/2014
- POLITE RESPONSES: do we thank you/them enough?
Postato da EDscissorsI'm getting on for 60 ... really want to find some young chaps who might consider head-scissoring me. - 11/10/2014
- first ever group meet at barnet
Postato da hephaestion2014And my first ever time at barnet. What took me so long?! Well first of all, I know it sounds silly but was more nervous of meeting all the people then the wrestling. - 10/10/2014
- worstelen in lycra
Postato da wrestelmanas zondagavond ga ik worstelen in lycra worstelpakje en string met een vriendje van 22 zoek iemand om het te filmen en foto,s te maken, wie wil dat - 05/10/2014
- Enjoying watching my own matches
Postato da NorcalfurAs I have been adding video clips from various wrestling matches I've had over the past few years. - 25/09/2014
- Peoples Actions
Postato da GuysmileySometimes the actions people take befuddle me. I am planning a trip in the near future and reached out to a younger man about a possible meet up. - 22/09/2014
- basement beat down of a young cocky punk
Postato da commandertcMe: I see you walking past my house as I am mowing the yard my shirt off. Sweaty body glistening under the sun, make a smart ass comment stud and I - 20/09/2014
- Member Domin8 has passed away
Postato da JorgefighterHello all I am really sorry to inform that Domin8 passed away last week. Not the most active wrestler but he always had a smile and a joke to share, - 13/09/2014
- Match Number Two
Postato da synxiec"Are you in a red car?" That was the text I sent before finding the car and hopping in. - 12/09/2014
- Old Man versus Body Builder (fiction)
Postato da GuysmileyIt wasn’t a typical night at the gym, not really too many working out. Maybe it had to do with school or football starting up again. - 12/09/2014
- Available for Wrestling: Saturday 20th September
Postato da TARZANI am available for wrestling on Saturday 20th September in the Birmingham and West Midlands area. - 11/09/2014
- Just a little honesty???
Postato da fightguyJust a bit of venting it asking too much for guys to be a bit honest and upfront?
3366 annotazioni del blog