Freestyle Wrestling

New Freestyle chat room now available August 2019

scottimike (26 )

28/02/2020 0:15

its now a wrestling and bjj orientated chat with regular clips etc ,



sportomo (0)

06/10/2019 8:26

I want that some guy,if he can,as soon,as possible, with these measures (more-less) (18-35 of age, 55-80 kg and 155-180 cm) come to wrestle me in Croatia ! I know that is too far,but,if he really wants wrestling fights,he will come.


scottimike (26 )

28/09/2019 13:44

late Sept the first room was not supported as a semi-official room by admin or Freestylers , bjj or mma grapplers we try for a chat room once more ...via the main chat ...if more serious..


scottimike (26 )

20/08/2019 1:43

Check in with #active_freestyle_wrestling.
We are off to a gradual start ....share the spirit , find some matches etc..


scottimike (26 )

20/08/2019 1:38

Come and check it out , it's NEW , its real wrestling orientated , share your skills , experiences hints for the best of the freestyle , US folkstyle , No cyber (cyber has its own more official room or pms).Bring it on fellas.

Via the main chat room , then #active_freestyle_wrestling

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