Gutpunching give/take/trade

Do you know if gutpunching can hurt internal organs?

halndallas (6)

08/02/2018 12:32

you would feel enough pain from being punched that you would want to stop the activity. In my case my ab muscles wear down and I start feeling the punches more and more until they hurt too much so I stop. Gutpunching is like a massage to me and eventually a massage needs to end :)


buscapanza (4)

13/02/2018 5:36

(In risposta a questo)

haha, great! Thanks! I like compare gutpunch with massages...


Mutz (0)

07/02/2018 10:46

Guys, You all know yourselves better than anybody else. So start with that and add a hint of sanity to your routine. The biggest kick that fellow members get out of this is the enjoyment. You can't do that if you wind up in that hospital bed post op, for an organ tear or rupture.


DrkMusclCat (21)

18/02/2018 18:45

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Take it from someone who is and trains with other power punchers, Your organs are more resilient than you may think.
Other issues, such as previous organ damage, might affect your play. Its important to know your own health before you step up to the toes of another with heavy fists.


buscapanza (4)

19/02/2018 6:27

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thanks mister muscle!


buscapanza (4)

13/02/2018 5:38

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you are right!


Rt ND Guts (4)

22/01/2018 19:25

Punches to the navel area only impact the guts (intestines) and they're made to slide around inside so there's little risk of injury. Punches to the V of the ribs can impact the liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys as well as the plexus and lower lung. Boxers are taught to aim for this area using gloves because they can wear down an opponent. Punching barefist to this area, especially when caught unprepared and soft can, and has been known to, cause internal injury. Of course, this is why fighters do their core exercises.


buscapanza (4)

13/02/2018 5:37

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thanks! very clear!


buscapanza (4)

22/01/2018 19:34

(In risposta a questo)

thanks, mate! You are a classic, I watched your vids years ago! ;)


gpau1900 (5 )

22/01/2018 5:34

Of course it can. Any type of fighting carries some risk. You could dislocate your shoulder wrestling, break your nose boxing, bust a testicle doing CBT, and yes, you could damage an internal organ gut punching. When you agree to a session, you do so understanding their is a risk. You reduce, but not totally eliminate that risk by discussing limits before the session begins, and providing feedback throughout the session to make sure all parties are staying within the limits. I've had many gut punching sessions and never had, or caused, a serious injury.


buscapanza (4)

22/01/2018 6:33

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Thanks! And do you know where is more dangerous to punch? maybe in the liver?


gpau1900 (5 )

22/01/2018 6:41

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The liver is a great place to punch. A well placed punch there hurts so good, and it is a relatively strong organ so you would be unlucky to have serious injury there. I would avoid the bladder and kidneys, those are no go zones in my sessions.


buscapanza (4)

22/01/2018 6:44

(In risposta a questo)

thanks, good point!


buscapanza (4)

22/01/2018 1:51

Can be dangerous? How you can care about this? How to take care?


buscapanza (4)

22/01/2018 15:10

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Thank you! Im new and I didnt see this topic.


ikf (24 )

22/01/2018 18:35

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you are welcome.

if you go back further, I think there is another one in this topic, with lots of good thoughts from "andrewj"


DrkMusclCat (21)

22/01/2018 5:34

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Of course it is...


buscapanza (4)

22/01/2018 6:35

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and how to take care? or where you dont to punch it?

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