MeetFighters News
16000 Members, Password Security
- Admin
- 24/05/2018
- 37
Hello Fighters,
Important announcement: If you are using your MeetFighters password on other sites, change your password now. Sharing a password increases the risk of your account being hacked. Scroll down for more.
But let's start with some great news: our beloved site, MeetFighters, now has over 16000 members worldwide! This is a time to celebrate, open a bottle of champagne and be merry!
At the time of writing, we have
Password Security
We recently had a nasty incident originating from another site. Normally here at MeetFighters we love competition and to trade links with similar sites. We believe that friendly rivalry is 100% in line with our theme as a fighting site. We had this disposition when we were the smallest, and have now that we are the largest.
Since the start, we have the utmost respect for our members' privacy. We do not participate in any advertising networks or other schemes that could compromise your browsing experience.
Unfortunately not every site shares our sunny disposition. We recently discovered that the operator of another site, f******** (site name redacted, you'll see why), has taken the password of a MeetFighters member from his site database, and used it to break into that member's MeetFighters account. He then proceeded to send messages, impersonating that member, in an attempt to redirect others to his site and soliciting some to send e-mails to him. He could do this because our member was naive enough to use the same password on both sites.
Photo credit: BMN Network
We have contacted the site operator and warned him that such criminal activity will not be tolerated, and if he makes any further attempts we will turn over all the evidence that we have gathered to the authorities.
The sad part is that we would have been happy to do link exchange with his little site, like any other wrestling personals site, if he just contacted us directly like a normal person. Instead, he chose to run a number of sock puppets with the best stolen male pictures that the internet could provide, trying to push his scam operation. Needless to say, we are not so ready to do link exchange anymore or to name them here.
To summarize: If you use the same password on other sites, change it now. Your account's security is important to us; let it be important to you too.
Last Call for Comments on the New Chat
- Admin
- 16/01/2018
- 56
Hello Fighters,
This is the last call for comments and bug reports on the new chat! The old browser chat is going away, it will not be kept as an option, so please take a minute or two to try the new chat and make sure that it is functioning correctly on your device. I want your comments now, and not after it is deployed and you go "Oh, but it's not working for me, you ruined my internets forever!!11"'.
So what has changed?
- The avatar pictures on the user list are back. (This was the most requested feature in the previous round.)
- Some profile info (stats, location and introduction) are shown when you click on a user from the list.
- Photo sharing is completed. To share a photo with another chatter, start a conversation with them, then find the photo icon near the top right, and then either click on one of your existing photos, or upload a new one to share it instantly.
- Experimental webcam support. The web-based technologies (that is, those that work without the miasma that is Flash) for video are here, but support for them is spotty. Most notably, the technology will not work with Internet Explorer, and is only available with the newest version of Safari.
- Choose between modern and classic look. If you want the message list without the avatar pictures, click on the cogwheel icon near the top left of the screen and then check "Traditional IRC layout".
- Worked around an issue in iOS Safari that would prevent the message sound from playing properly. I would like to make a note here that developing for any Apple product is hell on Earth.
– Admin
Photo Sharing on Chat, Webcam Support
- Admin
- 07/01/2018
- 5
Hello Fighters,
I hope everyone has survived New Year's, and made resolutions to meet a new member every week!
Work on the new Chat page is ongoing. Thanks to everyone for the feedback, except for that one guy who started to complain about blocking. (Sigh...)
So what's new there? Photo sharing is now embedded into the chat. When you are in a private chat, there's a photo icon near the top right of the page. Clicking it will allow you to send one of your photos to the other person, or upload a new one to share with them. I think this is pretty cool and bound to make the chat experience more streamlined.
I am also working on experimental support for webcams. Unfortunately support for this very new web technology is still spotty. I have added a "Webcam" button to profile pages that lets you test drive it, but don't expect it to work very spectacularly. Browsers like Internet Explorer and Safari do not support the necessary technology and there seems to be a bug affecting Firefox, so for now, Opera and Chrome are the only working alternatives. I'm working on improving that.
I am also investigating the possibility of toggling a more compact view for the message list – some do not seem to like the pictures there. Maybe a darker theme too, as some mentioned that the white is too white.
– Admin
Beta Test the New Chat Client
- Admin
- 30/12/2017
- 40
Dear Fighters,
I am working on a improving the Browser Chat, based on the latest Kiwi IRC release. If you have some time, give it a try and give me feedback in a comment below.
Click here to try the new browser chat.
I'm also making some new things to replace/enhance the existing Statistics page. Here's a preview screenshot that shows the change in the number of members over the past week:
Happy New Year!
Updated Design
- Admin
- 16/12/2017
- 112
As mentioned in the previous news post, I've been working on the design update. I thank everyone who responded to that news post, the reaction has been overwhelmingly positive.
I am proud to announce that the job is finished, and the new, fully mobile ready and responsive design is here. The structure imitates the look and feel of the previous iteration closely, but under the hood much is modernized.
In case you are missing some of your favorite links:
- Look at the profile menu near the top right.
- Some menu items are on the left now, if you have a narrow screen, tablet or mobile phone, you need to click the burger icon near the top left to access them.
- The rest of the links are on the main page and in the footer at the bottom of the page.
Please add your comments and questions regarding the changes below.
In the likely case that I don't post anything else this year, I wish you all great and fighting-filled holidays and a Happy New Year!