Implement a function to hide specific members in chat?
- Undecided, do what you want admin. (3 di voti: GoingUp, soloboxerboy, son4coach)
- No, leave it as it is. (9 di voti: Alexdarius, FerrelFighter, joe90, LeinsterWrestle, littleforbigg, MadTownWrestler, Scunfight, Superapolo, weightclass170)
- Yes, Only hide in the official rooms (#meetfighters #cyber) But allow private messages and rooms (7 di voti: barcoded, Churd, HeadsczrAgony, ikf, Tj Lo, videostar07, wanna roll)
- Yes, hide in all rooms, but allow private messages (6 di voti: ikf, jonny innocent, prince1954, scottimike, StrikeFighter, the punisher)
- Yes, hiding in all parts of the chat. (14 di voti: Animal KingDom, BareKnuxUK, CeadMarco, ExaValkyrusKorzen, haha12345678, Hardmatch, ikf, leanmachine94, Lightning, Nordic Wrestler, Shadow Knight, TayYates, toughmatch, twilegs)
- If yes, hide from the member's list (11 di voti: beefy, HeadsczrAgony, hermes89, huge fighting man, leanmachine BE, Lightning, markymayor, Shadow Knight, the punisher, twilegs, wanna roll)
- If yes, don't hide from the member's list (3 di voti: ExaValkyrusKorzen, ikf, jonny innocent)
- Other (please comment) (0 di voti)