Swissbear è consigliato da funscrapseverino (16/04/2019)
Auf ( und neben) der Matte ist Swissbear ein klasse Typ, ein spannender und kräftiger Gegner mit dem die paar Runden wirklich grossen Spass gemacht haben...welcher auch so manches wegstecken kann. Die interessanten Gespräche neben der Matte oder auch zwischen den Runden liessen die Zeit wie im Flug vergehen. Ich kann Swissbear wärmstens empfehlen und freue mich bereits auf ein weiteres mal. Zu 100% empfehlenswert.
ATONMAN è consigliato da ROULE44 (16/04/2019)
Quel chance d'avoir rencontré plusieurs fois Aton Man, genre de combattant qui vous pousse à donner le meilleur de vous même, en GI ou NoGi
Oui de longs combats moite , avec ce combattant hors pair , difficile à mettre en défaut.
On se reverra Grrrrrrrr
I had the chance to meet Atonman, the Italian legend, during the meeting of the friend AD idf.
We have been able to make many fights NoGi very disputed, Aton does not loose anything
But we had promised sessions in Bjj and Gi, Atonman is a great master with a lot of know-how, I loved his sessions, for the beginner I am
Atonman is a real passionate about the fight, we shared a lot outside the mats during this great weekend
To do again, I think very soon ;-)
musclechris80 è consigliato da Zepheshow (16/04/2019)
Met this guy for a mid morning wrestle. Chris is a very easy going guy. He has a great physique but is willing to adapt his style to his opponent.
We enjoyed some pro-wrestling . Chris uses his power really well, and is fully engaged in the fight, and can give and sell a move really well but makes sure that it is fun for both parties.
Particularly enjoyed his lifts and slams and took great pleasure showing him that no guy is safe from my rack!
You will enjoy meeting this great guy.
waltyfight è consigliato da Firetyr (16/04/2019)
Persona estremamente cortese e lottatore dotato di un’ imponente fisicità, purtroppo il tempo non è stato molto e la location non ottimale, però non dategli modo di reagire, sa come ribaltare una situazione a suo favore. Ovviamente molto raccomandato!
Firetyr è consigliato da waltyfight (16/04/2019)
Roma,16 aprile 2019
Finalmente ho incontrato Firetyr,uno dei lottatori segnati fra i miei preferiti.
Lotta poco in Italia e molto di più all'estero (come dargli torto?).
Atletico,scattante,dotato di una gran forza ma anche di agilità. Abbiamo lottato poco per motivi di tempo ristretto ma sono contento di averlo incontrato.
Mi sono difeso e ho cercato di contrattaccare come meglio potevo ma l'allenamento e la lotta praticata in palestra hanno avuto facile ragione...Raccomandatissimo,dunque.Per chiunque voglia lottare in Italia e all'estero.
Araboy78 è consigliato da Cymrofight (16/04/2019)
Wrestled this guy a few times over the years. Hot, powerful, aggressive fighter who knows his moves and jobs nicely towards the end. Extremely nice guy too. Highly recommended.
Faichow è consigliato da Alan2005sg (16/04/2019)
Faichow is lean, toned and muscular. He gave me quite a hard time by controlling me through Nelson holds, rear chokes & others. He punched very hard on my body. Very strong at his size.
Off the mat, he is a nice & friendly guy.
hellman34 è consigliato da tomhand37 (16/04/2019)
Very nice guy, easy to arrange and communicate with match with.
We had a very cool back and forth roll. Looking forward to our next match when back in town.
Tiomorbo è consigliato da ATONMAN (16/04/2019)
2019-01 - TIOMORBO is a tough and challenging fighter, he is gifted with the right dose of competitiveness and passion that allows for unforeseeable and very exciting meetings. Very pleasant person even out of the mat. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Nonofight è consigliato da sep65 (16/04/2019)
Rencontrer Nonofight, c'est rencontrer quelqu'un de très costaud. Je connais Taureau en Belgique, je connais son équivalent en force en France : c'est Nonofight. Il faut avoir beaucoup de force pour arriver à le déplacer ou à le freiner dans son élan. Ayant compris assez rapidement que je n'avais pas trop de chances face à cet amont de forces, il a été très aimable en me montrant comment me libérer dans une situation difficile. J'essaierai de la mettre en application face à Taureau en Belgique!
En-dehors des tapis, Nonofight est la force tranquille, calme et apaisant, aimant l'humour, plus qu'agréable à côtoyer.
Ce sera avec grand plaisir que je te reverrai, Nonofight! Et je demanderai à Taureau une prise pour pouvoir me dégager face à toi lors de notre prochain combat!