
Membro dal 6.6 anni
Età 39
Altezza 175 cm
Peso 61 kg
Genere Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta Wraps, gloves, trunks, hockey gear, mouthguard
Lingue parlate Inglese
Ultimo Login oggi
Ultimo aggiornamento 5 giorni fa
  1. Canada - Manitoba, Winnipeg

Sono disposto a viaggiare 200 chilometri

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I love stand-up bouts with solid punches. Nothing better than duking it out to an ongoing, sweaty, beat, & swollen heap.

Here are some of my videos to give you an idea:

Boxing: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk8yuuA92sH2whC0uYB_iGMld7cnRjy9m

Hockey gear fights: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk8yuuA92sH2nUtcMEhWG8_rxDsEphhSS

MMA striking: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLk8yuuA92sH0hdc8F3OwfE7EojSNmxfkj

I've been described as "a bit wild" & have good endurance; I just love big swings with hard hits.

Active since June 2018. In general I win about 74% of my boxing matches, 55% of hockey gear matches, & 40% of wresting/MMA matches.

My story: when I was very young I watched "Scooby Goes Hollywood" where a 'rough & tumble' cowboy-like villain threatened to beat the gang up; instantly firing me up. Soon after (around age 6 or 7) I convinced my parents to buy me boxing gloves. Although I can't remember the specific circumstances, my parents were adamant that it was inappropriate to fight under any situation & I suppressed my constant urges for 25 years!

I came out as gay at age 18; yet I've been constantly told that I'm a 'weird' gay guy. Then in the mid 2010s I had a friend over & was horrified when he oversaw my 'porn' on my computer. Yes - almost all of my 'porn' are pictures, videos, & GIFs of guys beating the shit out of each other. I've been getting off secretly to that for as long as I remember & was mortified that my secret was out. Interestingly my friend said 'well that's really weird, but could be worse'. Then I discovered that my attraction to fighting has a name (agonophilia).

Fast forward to 2018: I took a 40-day eastern Canada road trip & this video explains the rest: https://youtu.be/0DS2MqLNm_0



Boxe Boxe

Struttura del match: Solo match, Dare e ricevere, Non interessato al cyber

Combattimento in piedi: Interessato solo alla lotta in piedi, incontri stile UFC/MMA, Scazzottata

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732 views 01/03/2023 20:53
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