

Membro dal 12.6 anni
Età 54
Altezza 173 cm
Peso 109 kg
Genere Maschio
Orientamento Gay
Cercando Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta Cargo shorts, jeans, underwear, jock, trunks, always shirtless!!
Lingue parlate Inglese, Spagnolo
Ultimo Login 2 giorni fa
Ultimo aggiornamento 09/06/2023
  1. Stati Uniti d'America - California, Long Beach
    Place of residence

Sono disposto a viaggiare 100 chilometri
Sono disposto a ospitare. (Bed and Breakfast)

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Looking to have a good time and bond with other masc guys into gut punching or wrestling with body/gut punching. If you got something to prove, move on.

Wish I can meet more guys here, hard for me to travel because of work. Just shoot me a message if interested if youre coming my way.

I try to post recent pics regularly.

Using this forum to meet guys into real gut punching. Im also open to wrestling and boxing, not trained in wresting or boxing, but always willing to try and learn from the experienced ones.

Very nip centric here too, so I am all for some nip work to be included in a gp session, wrestling match, even nip torture.

Me: I'm a thick build, stocky bear type here, into gut punching primarily- both receiving and giving. I have a ton of pics in my profile from over the years, and posted videos of home workouts from August 2020 during lock down. I run off and on too, but its damn hard at my size! Lol!

I have a huge masculinity fetish along with gut punching and love eliciting a masculine reaction with hot, forceful gut punches for a good session. Love the look, the feel of working a masculine guys gut and I make gut punching real hot as I like to include a lot of body contact. Inherently masculine here and like bonding with other masculine men through gut punching and rough housing.

For gut punching, i’m into paced, controlled, but forceful punches as both a giver and receiver. I prefer relaxed, unflexed gut punching. Like to also test one's limits and be tested. I got a lot of punching endurance and I'm solid - I can take and give long rough sessions. I DO TAKE and GIVE REAL PUNCHES.

Thoroughly enjoy taking some GP with guys who love it no matter their body type. I especially like the receiving end in various positions with guys smaller than me - I find a smaller guy beating up a bigger guy really, really hot. So, I love being a punching bag for smaller/shorter guy.

As a punching bag, I don't really have a preferred body type punching me, as long as the guy loves it as much as I do and somewhat takes care of himself physically because punching me can be exhausting. I’m pretty thick - have met with plenty of guys who can't punch for as long as I can take. I also take punches in other areas of my torso.

As far as giving/being a heel, I do prefer masc built guys to punch on. I love punching on a taller more built guy.

Although I am not skilled wrestler, I can get into gut punching with wrestling. If the other guy is skilled and stronger though, I'm toast. Haha.

Including a bit of forced workouts can be fun too, forced push-ups, sit ups to exhaustion, and when a set is failed, a little GP work is the punishment. Leaves us tired and sweaty and for a real good workover! I'm also into role play with gut punching - ask me what I like if you are into role play.

I love doing push-ups, all types.

Hit me up if interested - always on the look out for other gut punchers. Not interested in ass play at all.

Single guy here.



Submission Submission
Boxe Boxe

Struttura del match: Dare e ricevere, Giocare alla lotta, Due contro uno, Compagno di allenamento, match all'aperto, Non interessato al cyber, Cerco un allenatore, Cerco chi poter allenare

Stili di wrestling specifici: Wrestling con pugni

Interessi vari: Amicizia, Sono heel, Sono jobber

Feticismi: Masturbazione, Pugni all'addome, Gioco di capezzoli, Adorazione dei muscoli

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