
Membro dal 14.3 anni
Età 51
Altezza 203 cm
Peso 166 kg
Genere Maschio
Orientamento Gay
Cercando Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta Pro wrestling trunks,pro boots BJJ gi, squarecuts, nude,
Lingue parlate Francese, Inglese, Spagnolo
Ultimo Login ieri
Ultimo aggiornamento 03/06/2022
  1. Stati Uniti d'America - Maryland, Baltimore
    Place of residence
  2. Stati Uniti d'America - Washington D.C., Washington
    It's a quick 45 minute drive from home
  3. Stati Uniti d'America - Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
    It's a quick 90 minute drive from home and I know a guy with a ring and mats to rent
  4. Stati Uniti d'America - Virginia, Alexandria
    It's close for a good wrestle
  5. Stati Uniti d'America - Delaware, United States
    Depending it's between 90 minutes to 2 hours. Close enough to meet to wrestle. If I'm the Philly Metro Area, there's a ring and mats to rent in Claymont.
  6. Stati Uniti d'America - Illinois, Chicago
    (Io sarò qui fino al 02/01/2024)
    In a conference

Sono disposto a viaggiare 200 miglia

Avversari passati


Sito web

I've noticed that many of my reviews say I'm strong, but always careful with my opponents. I want to thank those kind compliments from other wrestlers. The idea is to have fun and I can dial back things to make sure we have fun. I also like passing some of my knowledge with other guys.

I'm back at the gym currently working out virtually daily to get to 275, what I consider my combat weight. I'm 6'8", so at that weight I'd be at about 9.5% body fat which would be the equivalent of athletic. I'm almost to my goal weight with a lot of work, dedication, patience, and effort.

Looking to fill my wrestling card and willing to travel two hours by car to wrestle. I enjoy the contact with men. I find the erotic side of wrestling very attractive and would like to meet guys for some horsing around and man to man fun.

I've got some pro and pro-fantasy experience and can be a tough heel. I started BJJ training again and would like to meet guys to grapple and learn as I need a lot of honing on my skills on the mat. I'd also like to find guys who can teach me moves as I'd like to become better too, especially in boxing

As I said , I can dial things back as needed for a good match as the idea is for us to have a good time, not to send someone to the hospital

I recently started oil wrestling and it's fun as hell. This actually neutralizes my size and skill advantages. I had a blast the times I've done it and can be a good format if there's a size differential.

P.S. I'm actively looking for opponents. I'm sending notes to guys that are close to me and I'm initerested. If I'm not your type, it's cool. Just respond that you're not interested, please. That way I don't try again. Same thing if I DM you in the chat. Just make things simpler. Thanks everyone and hope we can have fun on the mats or in the ring.



Olimpica / greco-romana Olimpica / greco-romana
Submission Submission
Senza esclusione di colpi Senza esclusione di colpi
Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling
Judo Judo

Struttura del match: Solo match, Dare e ricevere, Squash match, Giocare alla lotta, Praticare tecniche, Tag team / match di gruppo, Due contro uno, Compagno di allenamento, match all'aperto, Chat online, Chiacchiere telefoniche, Cerco un allenatore, Cerco chi poter allenare

Stili di wrestling specifici: Jiu-jitsu brasiliano, Wrestling con pugni, Promission, Pro Wrestling britannico, Wrestling in Piscina, Wrestling nell'olio/fango

Combattimento in piedi: incontri stile UFC/MMA

Interessi vari: Massaggio, Amicizia, Relazione, Fare da modello, Sono heel, Sono jobber, Scommesse

Feticismi: Voglio sesso, Lotta per stabilire chi farà l'attivo, Masturbazione, Spandex, Pelle, Abbigliamento da Wrestling, Wrestling nudi, Gioco di capezzoli, Combattimento con il pene, Sedere sulla faccia, Strappa e spoglia, Adorazione dei muscoli

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