
Membro dal 11.4 anni
Età 54
Altezza 183 cm
Peso 107 kg
Genere Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta Square cuts, trunks, singlets
Ultimo Login oggi
Ultimo aggiornamento 24/08/2022


  1. Stati Uniti d'America - Virginia, Staunton
    Staunton, VA

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Pro Wrestling Pro Wrestling

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Enjoy submission, pro-style or rough house wrestling. Since we are supposedly adults here, how about we start acting that way. If I contact you and the interest is not mutual just say so. Please do not waste my time, or yours, by stringing me along for months of idle chat when you have no intentions of actually meeting up for a real match, then block me or quit replying when I try to set up a match with you. A simple “no thanks” or “not interested “ is respected and appreciated.


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