

Membro dal 6.9 anni
Età 27
Altezza 180 cm
Peso 69 kg
Genere Maschio
Cercando Maschio
Abbigliamento da lotta Singlets, Gym/fight shorts, Compression shorts. Speedos.
Ultimo Login ieri
Ultimo aggiornamento 12/08/2022
Canale WatchFighters Likestowrestle
  1. Stati Uniti d'America - Idaho, Boise
    Place of residence
  2. Stati Uniti d'America - Texas, Leander
    (Io sarò qui dal 20/09/2024 al 23/09/2024)

Sono disposto a viaggiare 400 miglia

Avversari passati


Looking to update/refresh some of my older content, so some stuff from over a couple of years ago will probably be going. New content will be placed more on Watchfighters.

Interested in competitive style of wrestling with preferences towards freestyle and submission. I'm open to the concept of other style of wrestling, I'm not big into pro wrestling, not really good on the whole acting part of it so I stick with what I know for the most part. I've 5 years wrestling experience coming from 3 years high school combined with meetfighters and a wrestling gym I'm attending.

I do travel for matches and usually message people whom I would want to meet up with in the given state/town when im making the plan ahead of time to set up times for possibly meeting up and wrestling. I will also post when ill be in that given state/town but would preferably stick to an opponent that is around my weight and nothing too old at the moment. Exceptions might be made but not looking for over 60+, apologize in advance.

I do have a bad habit of reading a message and then not responding to it for a while. I'm usually pretty friendly once we get to talking and will do my best to make sure both parties are comfortable with how we wrestle and that we stay safe. On that, I can get pretty competitive so I can get stubborn and aggressive and I aim to win. So best of luck and lets wrestle!!




Olimpica / greco-romana Olimpica / greco-romana
Submission Submission

Struttura del match: Solo match, Dare e ricevere, Giocare alla lotta, Praticare tecniche, Tag team / match di gruppo, Non interessato al cyber, Competizione (tornei)

Stili di wrestling specifici: Jiu-jitsu brasiliano, Stile folk, Andare agli incontri

Combattimento in piedi: Non interessato alla lotta in piedi

Interessi vari: Ho a disposizione delle materassine

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