
Membro dal 7.6 anni
Età 48
Altezza 180 cm
Peso 93 kg
Genere Maschio
Lingue parlate Francese, Inglese
Ultimo Login oggi
Ultimo aggiornamento 09/08/2024
  1. Stati Uniti d'America - Pennsylvania, Manchester Township
  2. Stati Uniti d'America - Pennsylvania, Upper Milford Township
  3. Stati Uniti d'America - New Jersey, Woodbridge Township
    (Io sarò qui fino al 10/11/2024)

Avversari passati


Looking for real time matches, sweatier the better, novice/intermediate level. Have been on her for a long time and have had tons of fun, learned a lot.
Professional/preppy guy that loves to let out steam when wrestling. Love to go for pins, see who is alpha but can be just as fun roughousing/frot/practicing holds/fun challenges. Have no problem taking controll in match and if you are better/stronger no ego hang ups feel free to give it to me as I will learn.
Travel enough if I am visiting your area reach out and have space to wrestle in central pa, cheers guys!




Olimpica / greco-romana Olimpica / greco-romana
Submission Submission

Struttura del match: Solo match, Dare e ricevere, Giocare alla lotta, Praticare tecniche, Due contro uno, Competizione (tornei)

Stili di wrestling specifici: Stile folk, Wrestling in Piscina, Wrestling nell'olio/fango

Interessi vari: Scommesse

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