
olderdesire is recommended by HudsonOH (8/08/2020)

What a great time I enjoyed wrestling this gentleman on mats in my buddy Gardenboy's basement. He was more competitive than his comments about me suggest, and his stamina for a man his size is outstanding and exceptional. While his wrestling skills may warrant expansion, he knows the basics and put up a good fight with bountiful determination. Best of all, he was a polite and punctual man with whom one can enjoy spending time.


gymjockbud is recommended by vicj81 (8/08/2020)

I had a lovely evening! By lovely I mean I had my abs torn apart! (Which I liked) I’m glad the beatdown was tempered after a long week but was definitely an endurance workout! Next day only minimal sourness 😜 thanks!


EuroasianinLA is recommended by Naotarou (8/07/2020)

This guy is amazing.
Packed full of the muscle under fresh smooth skin.
We enjoyed rolling over quite a long time enough sweating and consuming all our energy. This “top” guy dominated to me almost the time and extended my limits. Reflecting that punching, squeezing, and abusing on all parts of my body, I couldn’t help myself get expanded powerfully.
I can’t wait to fight him in the new future.


funscrapseverino is recommended by apollo fighter (8/07/2020)

Der bringt einen wirklich zum schwitzen 😅
Bei über 30° hat mich funscrapseverino mit grosszügigem Fightplace empfangen. Wir haben bereits im Vorfeld lange gechattet bevor es dann losging. Defensiv und offensiv sehr schnell und stark hatte ich kaum eine Chance. Dabei war alles stets sicher und fair. Auf seine Beine sollte man achten, die sind wirklich überall 😂 Schon schnell waren wir so verschwitzt, dass es einem Ölfight nahe kam. Es hat mir grossen Spass gemacht und funscrapseverino ist ein toller Gastgeber 👍
Freue mich schon auf den nächsten Fight mit dir!


AD idf is recommended by nicoss (8/07/2020)

Je vais pas être original mais Alain est passionné de sports de combats avec ses explications et passionnant un vrai prof Il connaît toutes les techniques ! Et les fait partager !
J espère qu on se reverra Alain
J ai passé un super moment ! Merci
C est passé trop trop trop vite !


AD idf is recommended by ten33 (8/07/2020)

Vraiment ravi d'avoir pu rencontrer Maître AD_Idf!
Fin pédagogue, il met en confiance immédiatement et sais s'adapter parfaitement au niveau de son adversaire.
On apprend progressivement en toute confiance ce qui est essentiel pour un débutant. Le plaisir est donc au rendez-vous et on en redemande!
Je ne suis plus étonné maintenant du nombre hallucinant de recommandations...
En voilà une de plus!
Et en plus un personnage très attachant en dehors du tapis..


marque is recommended by musclehunk (8/07/2020)

Marque sieht nicht nur verdammt gut aus (real noch besser als auf seinen Pics), sondern seine Muckis sind definitiv nicht von Pappe! So gut ich mich wehrte, gelang es mir selten, ihn unter mir zu haben! Vor allem seine Oberarme sind bärenstark und da gab es für mich kaum ein Entkommen! Auch wenn ich den Fight somit weniger ausgeglichen gestalten konnte als erhofft, so hat es doch riesig Spass gemacht - auf und neben der Matte! Auch unsere anregende Unterhaltung und der anschliessende Restaurant-Besuch waren top! Ein echt Klasse-Typ, der extra den weiten Weg von Mainz nach Zürich auf sich genommen hat, was ich überaus zu schätzen weiss! Kann Marque daher vorbehaltlos bestens empfehlen, da trotz immenser Kraft auch stets rücksichtsvoll und zuvorkommend!


retserof is recommended by Xeroth (8/07/2020)

Officially my first match here and it is with Mr.retserof, a quick briefing on the mat, and the next thing you know is you've started to wrestle. no fuss no delays. Straight to business

Mr.retserof looks ordinary but the moment the match started, he is on another level, not to be taken lightly forsho !! We manage to exchange some moves, able to grapple one another and I did give all the best I could. Clearly, as much as I have the upper strength, with his experience he has much better stamina. kudos to Mr.retserof

May there be a time again where we can have a rematch, I will come back stronger and you better be hella prepared !

P/S : He's nice and funny. Nice chap.


EuroasianinLA is recommended by a-xxcliffxx (8/07/2020)

Had a great sex fight with EuroasianinLA. He is solidly built and muscular. He is strong and has a natural instinct for wrestling. Really had a good time in our match and would wrestle him again for sure. If you get a chance wrestle this guy.


Jorgefighter is recommended by AsPalepsoume (8/07/2020)

Such a great pleasure to have met Jorge! A very kind and nice person and host, who allowed us to use his mats for a 4-way fight with Zetizef and Edubcn!
He's really strong and difficult to handle, proceed with caution, because a wrong move will cost you much! His fighting experience over the years has definitely offered him lots of techniques and insight for adjusting his game depending on the opponent!

A real pleasure to have met him, I'll love to meet him again!
Definitely recommended! ^_^
