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- Yes (552 di voti: 31lutteur, ab attack, Abbraxas, AbhijeetSingh, AbmanZA, action2win, aggroskinhead, Agrippa, Ajax, AJtheWrestler, Albert73RE Italy, alberto27, alexx455w, Alpha Destroyer, amazingperson123, Amstel, AndreyWrestler, animal, apollon, asausc, astroboy, atlmuscles, ATONMAN, aztony, badtrack, bakterocska, ballfight, Bamm-Bamm, barefeetfighter, Barefeet Guy, BareKnuxUK, bareskin, barfuss Ringer, bassman, battlefox, BB Tarzan, BCNBOXER, beachedboy, beangraff, Bearhug4u2, BeatenPAProJobber, BeefyCoGuy, benhard63, Berlin, Bi Boxer, BigBhim, bigm, Bigsmiles, bikickboxer, billy, Billy Bonney, bionic6m, BJJWrestlerLasVegas, blackwolf, blackwrestlersp, BLKMUSCLES, BNOLANTEX, bob76, bobster1948, Bomber, bortoms, bostoncrabibk35, BostonSleeper, BoxerCoachinmd, Boxforex, boxin09, boxinboy82, BoxinCowboy, BoxingBear1, boxingcock, boxingscripper, Boxsack daineseguy, boxwrestlAL, brad-fer, BRAWLERMAN, BRFIGHT, brooklinewrestle, Brown Bomber, bullyboybruiser, Caladan, calazans, cali wrestler, camelclutcher308, captprorasslin, catchwrestler, CDS, CelticFire, Cet03, CHAD99, Challenger, chris2023, chrisfit, Christian Rage, ChrisWrestling, cjwrestler23, climbervictor, cloudshadow, coboxerbear, Col Rich, crabladder, cubfighter, cwrestle, Cymrofight, czechfight, czechman, danielneumann, dann the man, dantheman777, dany 2808, daveywrest, davos, DazzFighter, DB1, dean1972, deanohio2, Dennis, denstur, DesertGaara80, DirtyAngel93, Disco, discreetwrestler, dj3580, dobbokid, docmoose, Dominanter, DomSquashMatch, donny scrapper, Dragonbear, DrDoNasty, dreamsub, Dudepunish, duel action, duellist, dwagin, dylangulat, edv45, ElektrikCub, Elli1, eman170, EthanAxelAndrews, f4leglock, fightdude, Fighter1983, fighterberty, Fighter D, fightmuscle, fightsoldier, fightval, figth92, fistfightaus, fitman, fitnesssouth1, Flattenu, flexbigmuscle, flipkick07, FLMatman174, Foofnwoo1954, frambo, Freddielein, Freenote, Funfighter1985, funwrestler57, gamekeeper, gatame, gerard5567, Gforce199, gguy, Giulian, Glo2, Gloved wrestler, goodfight, gotwrestler, grappleguy66, Grapplervir, GrapplingHB, greed, growin dude, guizosp, gutpunchandy1983, GutPuncher89, gutpuncherNY, Gutpunchnhb, gutsplitter, guyaskinforit, haden2, hairytxwrestler, hakimcatch, HARDFIGHTREAL, Hardmatch, heelwrestler, Henk43, Heraclius2, herovsvillain, highflyeral, highscreener, hns 1970, Howlnsoul, hunk71fi, iamjas, ibex, Interace, Interactive, irish123, IronbearJones, Ironbull, italian fighter, italian stallion, jack555, jackboxfighter, jak grappler, jako, jamcam981, jamesclarke1994, Jamie19, javier zo, Jay-Ryan, jazzjune, jed7720, jef, Jemtl, jerrodyo2, jester8004, jim smith, JJRiley, JJ Sparks, jobber43essex, jobber89, jobbercombatif, Jobber UK, jole1976, jonesy908, jonnyleglover, joshjames, jpho227, jprr, JudoJock, Judoka87, Judoka WA, judoreal, judosol, Justifiedboy, Kamikaze, Kane78, Katfitefan, kckboxer, keithobro, Kickboxer, Kid-Extreme, Kiel82, kingrocker51, kiwi, klaerfix, klfight01, KOEZE, koorwin, Kundar, LA Bull Wrestler, Lafkos, Larson659, LathanArch, Latinobrawler09, LatinoJobber, latinopponent, latinwrestler, ldn fighter, Leanmachineuk, legflexxxer, lgndoc, lhsclad, likes to fight, Liketobesqueezed, limowrestl, LincolnGrapple, liverpooljobber12, Londonfightfan, london sub, lookingver, lottatoreroma, ltwtwrslnyc, luchador, Lugi, lusowrestler, lutte dij, Lutteur1972, LutteurBlois, Luv2Wrestle, Luxxor, lycraman74, lycrawrest, ma1punchbag, machomusculoso, marcoonbike, Mark uk, MasterGladiator, matpowers617, mattderris, mattwipe, maturewrestler51, MCRLON30UK, mecpourmec69, mectlse, Meilo1, mekmall, Merfights, meshwesh, midwestboxer, Mike1122, mikedave01, MikeinPA, mikeswuk, mikey3458, Mirko1982, Misiu84, MisterLegs, MMASporty, Mocha, mochablk, montanamonte, Morrosko, Mr Wrestling, muscleabs, musclechris80, musclehunk, musclelvr427, musicmv, MuslWrsl, mwm2wrestle, Nacotekk, nairod007, ncwrestlingruf2, nels11, nelsoncarlos, never2012, Newbie68, newrest78, Niagarabeef, nightbeast, NJerseyWrestler, NJmatman, nlwrestleboy, northern bruiser, northstaffs pitbull terrior, novicejobberboy, nu2rasln, nukite, nwgamuscle, NYCJobber, ocwrestler, ohio wrestler, okcam 81, Ondartiru, OrlJockwrestler, osvaldo fortinero, ozboxer, Oz Brit, palaman, parosfighter, passive-aggressive, Patrizier4, paul fight, PedroParis, Peñafort, petern25, Phillip, Phoenixg, PJB863, pollebe, polyethylene33, Prickler, ProAndSubWrestler, pro subs fun, prosubsladuk, prowrestler1, pvkalso, Pyerre, QCProWrestler, Qolotlh, quadrabourges, Rainerpvc, rasslefight, RasslerFTL, RasslorBear, Razor, rdecker, rearnaked, RedSpeedos, Renato, resl4top, Reslo, resurgam, rexwrestler, RhodyRaybo, ribblehead50, ricantarzan, Ricardo50, Rick Royal, Ringerboyac30, Ringerkumpel, rioman61, Rivalwrestler, rj4422, rjw1a, romanzolanski, Roppa, Rowdy Submission, rubikura, RuffFightChallenge, ruffhouse30, Ruhrpottfighter, Rusnak, Salammbo, SammyBoy, Samugatto, sankaku, scotsgrappler, ScrapperSouthend, serebutbut, sergiofr83, sexyscottishlad24, sfbeef, SgtHossBoss, shadowwrestler, Shawty333, silverwoodfox, singletwrestle, sitgesoso, sixtynineonthemat, Skinfightboy, skinnydipper35, skweezhard, Smallbutstrong1981, smlgrappler, sockvid, soldier, sotrgr, southbeachwrestler, SouthernSub, sparko, SpartanFighter, Speedo1974, SpeedoBR, spiped, spladle2submission, Steeleyes, STEELMUSCLEGOD, StephenFillmore, stomachpunch, straight90, Streetfighter30, sublondonsw4, submissionzh, subwrestleozravi, Superfly, Superhero Wrestler, Super Jobber Guy, superwgboy, surfcrag, Sussexskin, swaleswrestling, Swe submissionwrestler, tabas, take-me-on, Tallblondwrestler, TANKE, tasci, Ted Chackry, terry, tezza2, thaiboxerlyon, theblakmaskedabator, TheKman, thongs, ThugBear, Tiger, tightbodnyc, tintin46, Titanio, tizerlad, tomtl, TonytheBritt, toplad, TorontoJobber, Tower79, tycoonboy, ucstr8, ukboxer, ukpitbull, uk submission jobber, ulises007, undertaker, V13, Vanman, vicj81, videoboyuk, Virgowrestler, vtwrestler, WAjobber, wanna wrestle, want2bpinned, Want2fight, Warkscub, waterrescue, Wayne, wi23combat, WiganWrestler89, worksopboi, wreatlerAnt, wressinglet, Wreste4stakes, wrestle2submit, WrestleAddict, wrestle boy, wrestlebuddy, wrestledadbc, wrestledave, wrestlefun1, wrestleguy02, wrestlejock, wrestlemenow1, WRESTLER, wrestler1999, WrestlerBR, wrestlergreek29, wrestlerguy21, wrestlerrm, wrestler sean, wrestlersp, wrestleruk1, WrestlerUS, wrestlescot, wrestlesupport, Wrestling Beast, wrestling coach, wrestlyyne, wresto, wresttal, wristlock, Wrslu2, xulomad88, yelp31, yiffwrestler, yim, Yngrasslr00, YORKIE, yorkshireboxer, youngwrestler, zeder, Zeus, ziqzaq, Zubby21, zypgutpunch)
- No (159 di voti: aeneas, agrofighter, Amsboxer, andilupi, athens123, ATVehicle, ayrshirewrestle, baston, BeatenPAProJobber, beefy, Benoit, Bigboy5604, Big Guy, BikerE1W, BillBearNJ, cake, ce009, ChiFight, ChineseGrappler, Chris2012, Churd, combat, Competition, cool bln, Cornejo, craig36uk, damienhh, DarkGnH, DaveToronto, dorien2, Dragon1965, duncanuk, dundun, Dutchwrestler, Eastmidswrestler, EssexUK Brit Pro, Fighter SP 35, Fighter UK, Fightingboy24, fist, FistFighter1978, francknord59, frenchcat, French wrestler, funraufer, glaliot, gpau1900, grappler49, groznij, Gyaku63, hakancem, hashbock, Hobbyfighter, ikf, irish123, I want to scrap, jbonebox, job4heel, joman74, krak85, Lbwrestler, leeray, llama4711, LondonBeef, lpls, lutte69, make me suffer, manchesterwrestler, manunderstorm, Marko, marsupi, matchup, mat paris, matthi75, MAwrestler, midblue, mikewrestles1, Mr Brightside, mrwhite, msclhard, munichsubfight, Muscle67, musclebear2b, MuscleBond, musclnky1, mutualfights, never2012, newzealander, nmdenis, NZ Heel, OBERON, oswin, painauthority, paul cov, Peter wak1, pindonn, preppie, probootmanuk, Quidam, Raywrestle, realthing, RED DADDY, restle, RexR, richie80, Rick, RingerBln, riscrapper, Riviera Wrestle, rtvonb, schabernacken, schick, Schlozi, Scissorvictim, scubawrestler, skrapper, sneak1, sportbengel, sportfight, squashme, StrikeFighter, subdude, Subfighter, suig, SurreyGuy, swedejudo, Thorag012, ThunderStrikeVersNYC, tightbriefs4u, tijean, timmo, TooTallToTangle, toughJobber13, toughmatch, Tower, training and fight, trampled PL, tryharder, tupsi, txpapabear50, Tyger, ukmidsstockywrestler, vitawd1, VTBoxer, wildcub70, willem1, wolfarmstrong, wolfman, wrestldk, wrestle73, wrestlebear, wrestlefighter80, wrestle fun, WrestlingBoxing, wrestlingspeedos, wrsl247, XXL Alpha Brute, Yohanan, Yusufu)
- No, but I would love seeing videos of others. :) (786 di voti: 007champion, 123QUEENSWRESTLER, 1try2pinme8, 40some, 4-pack, AbmanZA, Adam, Adnoid, ajgeb, Akis, akron1245, alane, Albnywrstlr4fun, Alex68, alex83, alexhotguy1, alexi85, amateurwrestler, amazingperson123, ammunition, anakron, andrew65, Anfänger, Animal KingDom, anka, Anson, antcarvalho, anton2411, ant-tor, Aquala Guy, ArdonUD, ARGONSA1, Armwrestling guy, AsianHeelLA, AsianWarriorBoy, asics 11, astor, atcher, atwoodfred, Australian Wrestler, austx36, axxo007, AyeAye, BadassWrestler, Bagel, Bailey147, BallBustingMty, BamaJDon41, bardobrat, Barriobruiser, Basildon Bloke, BattleBeast, BB Tarzan, Beaker, beanieboy101, bear2011, bear4bears, Bear Combat Warrior, bearhugchris, Bearhuggruk, bearstan, beatdowntime, beefyjock40, BeefyWrestler, Bekesember, benhard63, benji, Benoit, BIGTUFFGUY, Big Wrestler, bikercowboybrawler, billluvsboxing, Bill Parker, birkozas25bp, bknc19, bkwr, Blacktitan, blackwolf, blimpmang, Blitzkrieg, bluemask, bna37, BobL1957, boblutte, bocachico, boine, boksergouda, bondage wrestler, Bone saw, bopper0831, borderman, bossy20000, boston kid, boxat50, boxermad, boxers4, boxerwrestler64, boxingbag1981, Boxingmarco, Brian, brightonguy, brightonheel, BrightonTom, BRITANNICUS, brodynwuk, BRYAN, bubber11, buchi, buck214, bunnyman, Cadu, Caguy, CALCInellePALLE, calwrestler, cambridgeuk, carioca fighter, carnivore, Ccarloss, centaur13, charlesbr, charleshearle, chesterbloke, ChiBox, chigrapple, Chiitaljock, chinmusic, chocoindian, chriscologne, chrisfit, chrisinsuffolk, ChrisSeattle, chub, Chubbybear, cjwrestler23, Clack, clamp, CLAP87, cmhmatman, cockywreslter45, COFighter, Coldice, colorpack, competitive jobber, Cornerman, Cruptonium, cyberwrestler21, CyBrawler, Daniel Silva, Dannyboy 6 6 6, Darkanger, Dav8, daveboyksa, davespeedos, davewrestle, David, davidhugger, DCDude, dcevera, dcgrappler, Dennis, DesertGaara80, DexterGlitch, diego, diego7slam, Dirk X, DirtyAngel93, Dks wrestler, dmitrij4711, dnaeel, Docklands Bear, Dominanter, Doodvid, Dragonbear, dragonuk, Dusk, Dutch Wrestler, dvddvd33, eGambler, egyptianjudo, el peeke, enthusiast, eran89, erotic boxing, Essexsubguy, extralarge, Eyrios776, fajnylobuz, fanlutte, fantasyfeak, favordave, felix, Fenrir, fghter, fightadicct, FighterBA, Fighter Chris, Fighter UK, FightGit, fightguy, fightho, fightinms, FightWW, figth92, finngrappler, Fireball05, fitcher john, fitephan, fitguy2, FitScot, fitzek78, fitznicely, Fletch Kickboxer, flscw, fmrhugger, fokker50, Folding Press, foxy, fracle2, frenchfighter, Frenchfighter2, FRENCHGLADIATOR, frenchwrestlingfan, frogcub, frprowrestling, FTmutual, Fullnelson, funfight71, fun missouri guy, funwrestler57, fur4wrestle, g3ecko, gabkanar, gabrielranon, gardenboy, gari06, Garydaltx75230, gatorbite2, Gazz, gedlutte1, Geoslam, gh05t, Gilles Limber, Gino, gioroma80, giro mail, gizmo1980, glad42, Glasgowboi, glimmeringshade, goodguy kc, Grakoda, Grapbloke, Grappler1, grappler2112, grapplerguy, grapplyves, graproma, Greekwrestler2, greg1969, gregbaston, grieksromeins, Grip, gshay, GuerreiroMascarado, gutpunch76000, gutpunchtaker4pain, guy de partie, Guysmiley, gymbudinmn, hairyvince, hakancem, haku, Hamburg-Raufen, hanky, hardfitsub, hardonthemat, hardpunch, Harry, harry309, headlockmehard, headscissors998, heavyweightpawrestler, heyhoherewego, highflyeral, Hnybdgr, Hodenringer, hogtie wrestler, hotgay, Htown wrestle, hulk, hunt, Hurricane84, Ian Payne, Icefighter, Ifwrestle, impalaffm, inthegut, intomuscles, irish123, Irishfighter, irishpunknyc, ITALIANO, Iwreslinca, JACARE, jack64uk, jakeyoh, James87, Jamie19, JamieBerlin, Japh1966, JasonFL, JasonOG, jayboy0204, jaydee, jaywalker, JBF, jbjb, jbonebox, Jdawgoh, jeanssimon, Jecko00tig, Jedi, jiman, jim smith, jiujitsu sk8, jobber43essex, jobberian, Jobber UK, johnfrancis, John Haynie, johnmara, jon8937, jonnetomme, Jooff08, Jorgefighter, joshjames, jpho227, Jsubwrestler, judo, judoantwerpen, JUDOBA, judofun74, judoka, judoka261, judoka33, judolover, Judomonkey, justforfun34, justsee, JWrestler, kaempfer12, kako, Kamikaze, kantarranas, kapiri, Karl1955, Katerchen000, kds122002, KenFighter, Kent, kenzo dc, keumbzh, kevinc28, KevinLondon, khadaar, KidCanuck, Kiel82, kingj, kingofnat11, Kiras1, konnos85, koxy, L4wrestlMate, lance jeffers, LancsBritPro, Lancs guy, LA Stocky Wrestler, latinbnd, laufentaler, ldnse1, leanandtough, legendNWUK, legflexxxer, legne, lexkev, l-fight, liftncarry, Lightning, lightweightwrestler, lionmaster72, London2013, LondonHeel, londonlad80, londonscissorslover, londonwrestleguy, lonewolf69, Lonwrst, loserboy123, lotta 70, lotta t, lthr-swiss, luan, LuchaBoy, luchadad, LuchadorenCali, luchalight, luctator76, Ludo1, luridhue, lutadoromano, luttecatch3, LutteNancy, luttenu, lutteur 2012, lutteur31, lycramike, machomusculoso, MadGT, MadJonah, madsur76, maeCR1, Mainewrsl, makro03, manalex76, manclad71, ManhattanMaulers, Manonemission, manuz, manwrestler, MARC94, Marco92, marcobpool, marconi, Marcus300, marks, markus, marlov, Martial Matty, MasscGoodGuy, mat92, matman, matrassler, matslam, matt nbg, Mattyboy, max88, Maximus, Mayhem, mboxing, mca, MEGRAPPLE, merseywrestle, meturmatchoh, Mex Boy, mft336nc, Miamibrit, Mich123, Micha2, mickey jw, Midland Dan, Midlands guy, Midland Sub Wrestler, Mighty Mongo, mikangelo, mikeswuk, mjr1bbs, mkldn101, mlk boxeador, mmmwrestler, molesham5, monstercalves, MORENOLUTA, morio2, MrSlamFan, mrwrite79, msclhard, MucCut, mudlover, musc2000, muscldfighter, musclegever, muscleman332, MusclePunkKID, musclewarrior2, Mushashi, Muskelbody, n2rassle, Nacotekk, nader, naokijudo, nasty210pro, NateMcCloud, Nature boy, neolutteur75, new12, New2this, new2wrestle, newdawn2007, newjet, nhgrappler, niki-hh, nitro99US, NJMusclebud, NJWoodbridge, nmdenis, nocturnalchi, nomade2k2, Nono, nussknacker, nwfan53, NYboxer, NYCShort, NYerhere, NYleanmuscle, Ohiotuff, ohjohnny, oloyipee, osacro90, OstseeSH2013, OTS XL, oxfordenglishdic, paintlad, Papador, patoche70fr, PaulPhoenix, PaulTaylor, pepperoncino, pesomassimo81, Peteuk, PetitPrince, PghBoxerBoy, Pghfight, phboxer, philip1, philliwrestler, phoenix bw, pietro501, piledrivinking, pinkid123, pinner1, pinsam1, Pitt, Playhard, polo62, poseidonwrestler, Potcho, pouochh, Princesse Ludwyna, ProAndSubWrestler, ProfileName1, prostyleguy, Protheus, Psinext, pulsar 79, punch24, punches, pxbes, Qolotlh, Rainerpvc, ralph, Random Grappler, rassler, rasslfun, rasslinu5, Raufbold1976, raufboldBLN, raufer1234, Raufmaniac76, Reilly, renguin, Retiarius, retserof, rheinmainfighter, RingerCGN, ringkampffan, ringlad74, rlegal2012, RNC23, rngr, rob c57, Roborobinson, rochedo, rock20087, RockMeOutSF, roguian, RomaFighter, Rovky35Wpt, RowdyMike, rumble2, rumble31, Ryno, SachsenOssi, Sam, Sam M, Samsa, Samugatto, Schwabe, scotch2012, scotpal, Scotsjay, scottimike, scottpa, scrapfun, Seb, seuesum, sharkffm, sia, simmo10, Simon, siouxdonym, sitonme, SKDave, SKINHERTS, slamitdown, SlimFitWrest, Slugfest, slyph82, smackup, Smallj, someguy21, sotrgr, Southcoast Guy, spanishwrestler, SparklePlenty, SpeedoFun, speedowrestle, spinne, sportif31, Sportsfanatic, SPWrestler, squaddie5852995, SQUEEZEPLAY, squeezerian, ssamonti, ssteller, starworld, stdfghter, Stefan28, steve1, Stew1978, stiefelbursche28, stone, strongadonis, Subfighter 2, submis, subwrstler, sugarbear, Sutsugua, svenmarc, Swemoro, swissfighter, sydproboy, tabas, take-me-on, TakeYouDown, Talldavidla, tallnhairy1, Tampawrestlebud, Tanker, tateshiho, taureus, tavallinen tallaaja, Tchones, teemu, TeenRio, tennis8504, Tetraites, TheBusiness, The Milkman, TheOllieWatts, thighman, thomaswrestlernyc, thorins, Threadbare, throwdownsg, tinytough, titchbear, toehold66, Tom 049, Tomkat44, Tonto, Toppler, Toronto25, torontowrestler, torrheel, toshiosaito, Totte, tough bear, Trachtler, trasgoluchador, treetop, troubelshooter, turkish fight, Tussleplay, twinkboy, Twister81, tycoonboy, tygrrr, UKBruiser, ukfighter49, ukfightstar, UKSubsFighter, uktq2oo5, ukwrestler, uk wrestler slam, Umlaut, Uncontrollable, underft, unka, Urbansweat, uzak2011, vaxrte, vfitniceguy, voceagorario, Wayne, werwhower, westox, wetspeedos, whoever77, whufc, Wiesel 65xxx, will26, willihast, willwill1, wingnut, Wire, WolfHH, wolvejong, woodrower, wreatlerAnt, WREST38, wrestfun, Wrestkent, wrestle4fun29, wrestle4pins, wrestle boy, WrestleForFun NL, wrestlehard33, wrestleman, wrestlemate 1, wrestle me, Wrestleme, wrestlenazs, wrestlenc, WRESTLER, WRESTLER26, wrestler316, wrestler90, wrestlercanada, wrestlercute, wrestlerdave, wrestlerdude540, wrestlerherts, wrestleridf, wrestlerle, WrestlerLondon1980, wrestlerlutteur, wrestlerspig, wrestlethecoach, wrestling4fun, wrestling boy, Wrestlinger2009, wrestlingfetish, wrestlingforfun, wrestling game, wrestlingMex, wrestlme37, wrestlnovis, wrestlron, wrestlruff, wrestsy75, wrslfun, wrslr29, Wrslu2, wrstleman, wstlguy, wudvhsi5, xantar, xvid, ymaflwr, yonkerswrangler, Yonso21, youngcouple, young fight, youngval, zeder)
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