pshawfocus è consigliato da fracono (15/04/2019)
Met with this guy in Edinburgh after just over two weeks of chatting, and though I was a little nervous about my first gut punch meet, I was not disappointed.
An incredibly polite guy throughout, took everything at a steady pace, and he taught me a lot of things that I'll hopefully be able to use in the future! He made sure I was comfortable both when giving and receiving, and he also showed me that I'm into things I didn't realise I was into, which is great!
Overall he is strong, handsome, reliable, has rock hard abs, and a strong recommendation from me if you ever get the chance to meet with him!
26/4/18 Another great meet with pshawfocus in which I was able to put his solid abs to the test again using a lot of different methods. I was once again impressed by the ease at which he took my punishment, and look forward to possibly meeting again!
12/4/19 Can't thank him enough for taking the detour to visit my new temporary home here in Graz, and reminding me just how tough and resilient those abs of his really are! Afterwards, a great conversation partner, even talking about the tragic situation that is Brexit. Here's to the next one!
JoManini è consigliato da M Carugati (15/04/2019)
Non è facile fare una "recensione" di Jo Manini, che dica robe diverse dalle numerose raccomandazioni che ha già..... perciò dico solo: Jo Manini per una lotta ad alti livelli, lotta bella e lotta FIGA!
Come le foto dimostrano, ha un fisico perfetto per la lotta, forte e tonico senza essere gonfiato ed impacciato.
Aspettatevi una lotta serrata, lui va avanti come un carro armato senza possibilità di prendere fiato, un attimo di distrazione e finite sotto. Ha prese d'acciaio sia con le braccia, sia con le gambe, le quali sa usare molto bene. Nel caso malaugurato finiste in una delle sue prese di gambe, difficilmente ne verreste fuori senza battere sul pavimento...
Fuori della "gabbia" è una persona molto alla mano e piacevole. Sono stracontento che il destino, talvolta indecifrabile, mi abbia fatto incontrare in maniera quasi assurda Jo Manini.
sep65 è consigliato da ATONMAN (15/04/2019)
2019-04 - SEP65 est une personne extrêmement gentille et polie, avec un sourire contagieux qui se transmet dans la lutte avec beaucoup de style, de respect et d’élégance. N'hésitez pas à le défier si vous en avez l'occasion - JE RECOMMANDE
SalzPeter è consigliato da ATONMAN (15/04/2019)
2019-04 - A fun and enjoyable meeting with HIGHWAYMAN for a very intense melee in his fast passage from Turin.
luttesympa è consigliato da ATONMAN (15/04/2019)
2019-04 - Hôte extraordinaire pour l'un des plus beaux week-ends de combat auxquels j'ai assisté. Ambiance extrêmement conviviale dans un environnement magnifique de plusieurs points de vue et une grande variété d'adversaires qui engagent au mieux tous les types de combattants. Avec LUTTESYMPA en particulier, le combat était vraiment amusant et je suis vraiment heureux d’avoir gagné la paresse italienne et d’avoir vécu cette expérience absolument à répéter - RECOMMANDÉ
RoninIT è consigliato da ATONMAN (15/04/2019)
2019-04 - Fighting with PARMA79 is always a great pleasure as well as a good commitment. Great sweat and final satisfaction to have as always had a good fight. I can only confirm my previous recommendation for the better *** 2018-08 - PARMA79 is a strong and muscular boy with a good knowledge of martial arts and the right instinct of the wrestler. Strong arms, massive physique and the mentality of those who don'ot want to give up easily. Very pleasant person to attend even outside the mat - HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Deusempair è consigliato da GLAD (15/04/2019)
petit adversaire vif, résistant et endurant, un plaisir de combattre deusempair. un très bon moment passé avec lui, je le recommande vivement
extralarge è consigliato da Zepheshow (15/04/2019)
A wonderful experience meeting this big, strong guy. He has knowledge and technique that belie his two and a half years in the sport. He willingly passes,on his knowledge to help you get the most of the encounter, and improve your skills and he constantly encourages.
Although his expertise was in sub wrestling, he cheerfully embraced lift and carry, demonstrating his considerable strength to carry me with ease.
Great to talk to - it was a pleasure to entertain him, and hope we can meet again.
Judo Bear è consigliato da fightinms (15/04/2019)
Nach seiner langen Verletzungspause, hatte ich jetzt die große Freude einer von Judobear's ersten Gegner sein zu dürfen. Der Kampf hat irre viel Spaß gemacht. Nicht auszudenken, wie gut er wird, wenn er erst mal zu seiner alten Form zurück gefunden hat.
Immer gerne wieder.
*Update: 26.06.16*
Er holt auf! Man darf ihn einfach nicht unterschätzen. Kraft hat er auf jeden Fall reichlich und auch die Technik blitzt ab und an durch. Es macht einfach immer wieder Spaß gegen Judobear zu kämpfen.
*Update: 14.04.2019*
Es hat mal wieder geklappt. Wir durften uns mit Marko75 auf der Matte von Sportynord bengeln. Es hat irrsinnigen Spaß gemacht und wir sind alle gut aus der Puste gekommen.
Judobear macht es einem nicht leicht mit seiner unbändigen Kraft. Da muss man schon mal warten, bis die Luft knapp wird und hoffen, dass die eigene so lange reicht. 😂
Ein tolles Wochenende, dass gerne wiederholt werden darf.
Janting è consigliato da Dirka (15/04/2019)
Janting is a pleasant jobber. He totally enjoys the hard pain I gave him. He can also take a lot and endure. Also outside the mat we had good conversations. I can recommend him absolutly.
PS: Thanks for the little gift :-)