
madeincanada è consigliato da vanarmbar (14/04/2019)

Great guy - good fun to wrestle and respects boundaries. Highly recommended.


Judo Bear è consigliato da marko75 (14/04/2019)

Nun hat es auf der Matte vom Sportynord geklappt und wir konnten endlich spielen. Mit fightinms hatte ich eine SCHWERE Aufgabe vor mir. Judo_Bear hat noch gut Erfahrung vom Judo und konnte sich daher sehr gut wehren. Körperlich war ich deutlich unterlegen und gab dennoch mein Bestes. Er taute sich immer mehr von Kampf zu Kampf. Die Runden wurden immer härter und wir konnten gegenseitig schön mit Dominanz spielen. Es war ein schönes Treffen, schließlich schreiben wir schon so lange. Es hat mich sehr gefreut, dass du nach Hildesheim gekommen bist. Ich freue mich auch schon auf die nächsten Runden, dann verhau den kleinen Bären und zeig deine Dominanz. 🧸😋😘


DenverWrestler è consigliato da tallfitldn (14/04/2019)

Had a great roll today with one of the giants from MF. Denverwrestler’s skill and experience was evident from the start and he had me in some tight holds! My instinct is to fight back and Denverwrestler felt I wasn’t the jobber I made out to be. On reflection, he’s right. I really appreciated him showing me some attack moves and how to correctly apply various chokes. All in all, a fascinating and easy guy to talk to and formidable in a wrestle. I couldn’t recommend Denverwrestler more. We hope to battle again later in the year.


suig è consigliato da Alan2005sg (14/04/2019)

I met Suig during my short stay in Hong Kong.
Suig is lean & strong; fun & friendly.
He knew how to take advantage from his long limbs and toned body over me. Our match came with a lot of back & fro. He caught me into countless of body scissors, headlocks or arm on throat chokes. I have to struggle a lot to escape them. That's fun.
Don't hesitate meeting him when he visits your city or you visit San Francisco.


Alex333 è consigliato da Link (14/04/2019)

My first international fight ! After several months of chat we finally meet in Nice.
Alex333 is a fast and powerful wrestler with a good stamina. It was a hot and fun fight.
Off the mat he is a very friendly and careful man.
I hope his ears have not been damaged by my poor english !
Très bonne recommandation.


sep65 è consigliato da Ferrero83 (14/04/2019)

J’ai eu le plaisir de rencontrer Sep65, un lutteur très sympathique qui sous-estime ses capacités mais avec qui j’ai passé un bon moment de lutte. On a également travaillé un peu quelques prises. Il est très motivé et aime beaucoup la lutte, n’hésitez pas à le rencontrer!


lutte95 è consigliato da Ferrero83 (14/04/2019)

Effectivement après avoir discuté depuis mes débuts sur le site, nous avons réussi à nous rencontrer. Ça été une très bonne rencontre, c’est un bon lutteur avec beaucoup d’expérience et de bienveillance. Il est très sympathique aussi, je le recommande vivement!


Leo Moor è consigliato da Fighter ssa (14/04/2019)

Cara determinado, parte pra cima, curte o clima da luta. Sabe da trabalho e proporciona uma boa luta corpo a corpo e bem suada. Valeu a pena, espero enfrenta-lo novamente!


bearlotta è consigliato da Zürich (14/04/2019)

This bear has a big heart. I mean chest, or let’s say both. Huge and strong built and knows how to get a match going. And when he starts using pure force, he’s like a Grizzlybear attacking a victim. You better be prepared for this.
Outside of the mats he’s a very kind and sociable man. With good talks and laughter.
Surely recommended and hope to fight again


Dirka è consigliato da Janting (14/04/2019)

Wow, what a great guy! From the beginning of our fight till I submit to him, he always enjoys it, in the same time he shows his victory with his smile. Especially his leg scissors make me very painful. I hope I could have more strength to knock him down but it is futile to a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu guy who likes him, all I can do is helplessly watching him to beat my abs and bend my arm, but to be honest he is indeed a very interesting person who you want to make friend. Don't miss him if you have a chance, I hope to meet him to test my skills again.
